Full search of Swiss trademarks and companies at an unmatched price

We have now added Switzerland to our list of trademark databases, bringing the total up to 34 countries plus the 50 US states. See full list here.

Trademarks and company names

This means that you now can get a full, comprehensive search report for Switzerland, generated by the world's most powerful search algorithm (see benchmark study and below).

We have also added Swiss company names to this report and we have priced it at:

59 EUR, with five classes included.  

Top 3 German speaking countries

On demand from both Switzerland, Germany and Austria we decided to also put together a "German speaking" package. This package includes:

  • Trademarks from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, OHIM/CTM and WIPO marks designating them. 
  • Company names registered in Germany, Austria or Switzerland. These are put in a separate tab.  

And the price for all this is only 119 EUR

The world's best trademark search algorithm

If you haven't used Markify before, I will give you a few words about the Markify trademark algorithm, which is the core of our offer. Our algorithm, that took three years to build, have some distinct features:

  • It is built statistically on more than 10.000 cases where two marks have been judged confusingly similar by a government official in Europe or in the US. 
  • It minimizes the "noise" with more than 50%, when compared to other providers' full reports.
  • The results are relevance ranked from top to bottom, saving you a lot of time. 

Like to test?

Please send me an email if you would like to test our products.

A nova ferramenta para profissionais de marcas registadas