How can the cheapest trademark registration also be the best for start-ups?

After months of work the Markify trademark registration service is launched. When we set out to build the world's best trademark registration service we made the following list of criteria:

  1. Easy and fast trademark application.
    • Start-ups and brand builders expect a web service to be easy and fast. Anything else is failure.
  2. Help from experienced trademark attorneys.
    • Sure, you can do a trademark registration without the help of a trademark attorney. But in most cases it's a bad choice because of:
      • the time it takes,
      • the small money you save and
      • the risks involved.
    • We have put together a small network of independent trademark experts in the US and in Europe. Some of them run their own trademark law firm. Some work for big IP focused law firms. They all have in common that they are passionate about trademarks.
  3. Focus on EU and US trademarks.
    • A CTM trademark registration from OHIM covers 27 EU countries in one application. With a government fee of only € 900 it is often the best deal for ambitious start-ups. CTM is also the fastest growing trademark registration in Europe.
    • A USPTO trademark registration protects your brand in the world's most important market, the US, and the government fee is only $325 per class.
  4. Leverage the Markify comprehensive search technology.
    • Every Markify trademark registration gives you a Comprehensive Search that finds 99% of all confusingly similar brands (CTM, USPTO, Domains and Common law).
    • You also get a Comprehensive Trademark and Domain Name Watch that will help you protect your new brand.
    • These two services are included and only available through Markify.
  5. Cheaper than any other trademark registration service.
    • Our attorneys could give us rock-bottom prices, since we are giving them a new client on a "silver platter". All client and trademark details are filled in and all fees are payed for.
    • The pricing goes from $199 (Core package) to $499 (Full package) + government fees for a USPTO trademark. And from € 299 (Core) to €499 (Full) + government fees for a CTM/OHIM trademark.
    • Another reason our pricing can be so low is that the Comprehensive Search is relevance ranked, which makes the job much easier and faster for the trademark attorney.

How do you think we can improve the trademark registration service? Send me an email at benoit followed by our domain name!
