Markify adds Canada to its trademark searching and watching services

We have now added the Canadian trademark database (CIPO) to our searching and monitoring services. We have made some adjustments to our system to handle that Canada not yet fully use the Nice classification system.

The price for a Comprehensive Search, or a Full Availability Search, as some providers call it, is set at USD 81 (or 59 EUR). For that you get our best-in-class similarity search algorithm that finds 99% of all confusingly similar trademarks – and with less "noise”. It is actually the best trademark similarity search in the world (see search report here).

Do you want to try one Comprehensive Search Report for free? Send me an email and I will send you the promotion code (benoit at

We also offer our Knockout Plus Search for  Canada for only USD 40. This is “broad” knockout, finding both identical, phonetically identical and other very similar results. Approx. 60% of all potential conflicts but with only 10% of the list length. This is the professional choice for any name screening project or for an application on a tight budget.

To order, you just sign up here:

You find the watching service here and the yearly price is only USD 34. Every week you get one report per client. And you get the same strong similirity algorithm so you will not miss any potential conflicts. Combine it with US watch if you need.

Questions? Contact me at benoit at
