Proud Sponsor of the INTA Leadership Meeting in Washington DC 2017

We will be attending and sponsoring the INTA Leadership Meeting starting the 6th of November 2017 in Washington DC.  

If you are attending, make sure you have a close look at the hotel key card...

Meet us and get a short demo in the main exhibition area at the Marquis Ballroom Foyer or schedule a meeting with me:

Things to look at and discuss:

  • Comprehensive trademark search reports
  • ProSearch platform 
  • Trademark watch/monitoring
  • Domain name watch
  • API solutions

Markify exhibits at IP Service World 2014
in Munich

We have been an exhibitor at the INTA annual meeting for the past four years. There we meet attorneys from all over the world, with a majority of Americans. Now we decided to try to meet our European clients and potential clients in a trademark congress/exhibition.

So on the 24th and 25th of November we will be exhibiting at the IP Service World 2014 in Munich (Holiday Inn City Center).

If you are in Munich, come by our booth and you will get a free Comprehensive Search Report for all 28 EU states plus OHIM and WIPO. Our normal price for this is 449 EUR. If you cannot make it to Munich, send me an email and I will give you a free trial (benoit at

Markify adds Canada to its trademark searching and watching services

We have now added the Canadian trademark database (CIPO) to our searching and monitoring services. We have made some adjustments to our system to handle that Canada not yet fully use the Nice classification system.

The price for a Comprehensive Search, or a Full Availability Search, as some providers call it, is set at USD 81 (or 59 EUR). For that you get our best-in-class similarity search algorithm that finds 99% of all confusingly similar trademarks – and with less "noise”. It is actually the best trademark similarity search in the world (see search report here).

Do you want to try one Comprehensive Search Report for free? Send me an email and I will send you the promotion code (benoit at

We also offer our Knockout Plus Search for  Canada for only USD 40. This is “broad” knockout, finding both identical, phonetically identical and other very similar results. Approx. 60% of all potential conflicts but with only 10% of the list length. This is the professional choice for any name screening project or for an application on a tight budget.

To order, you just sign up here:

You find the watching service here and the yearly price is only USD 34. Every week you get one report per client. And you get the same strong similirity algorithm so you will not miss any potential conflicts. Combine it with US watch if you need.

Questions? Contact me at benoit at

Markify adds international WIPO trademarks to the free trademark search

Markify's trademark search engine just became a lot more global. We have added another 650.000 international trademarks to our trademark search engine.

All these trademarks come from the WIPO trademark database, sometimes called "ROMARIN". (WIPO is the United Nation's organization that administrates the Madrid system, through which you can get a trademark registration in approx. 80 countries.)

I think this means that Markify today is the world's only free trademark search engine that covers both the US (USPTO), EU (CTM/OHIM) and international (WIPO) trademarks.

A total of almost 4 million live trademarks, updated every 24 hours with 400.000 new marks per year.

We are also the only free trademark search that gives you a proper list of confusingly similar trademarks, where there could be a likelihood of confusion.

Some of the other providers try to do this with "fuzzy search". The problem with "fuzzy search" is that it is "fuzzy". It misses too much and gives you to much noise. A good similarity algorithm should not be "fuzzy" but very distinct, based on statistics.

We have based our algorithm on more that 10.000 actual cases where a government employee has said that these two trademarks are confusingly similar.

So now you can get the best trademark search results, including all classes, also for WIPO trademarks - for free.

Trademark attorneys should know that we have added the WIPO trademarks - without raising our price of $100 - in our premium products: US Comprehensive Trademark Search and EU Comprehensive Search.

Entrepreneurs and start-ups that uses our Trademark Registration should know that these Comprehensive Search reports are always included in our Trademark Registration service.

All our Trademark Watch and Monitor customers will now also be getting international WIPO results in their reports. At no additional cost.

Now anyone can afford a Comprehensive Search Report

The Markify trademark search has since the start 18 months ago been recognized as the most accurate and comprehensive in terms of finding confusingly similar trademarks. Now we add new databases and new features to make it even more useful in our two main markets: the US and the EU.

To our current databases, USPTO and CTM, we now add:

  • US common law – A search among more than 15 million registered US businesses.
  • Domain names –  Confusingly similar domain names in .com, .net, .org, .info, .us and .biz. Identical hits from approx. 200 ccTLDs.
  • WIPO – More than 600.000 international trademarks.

The new Comprehensive Search Report from Markify has four features no other search provider have:

1. Superior accuracy

We are the only search provider that can give you a result list that finds 99% of all confusingly similar trademarks (see benchmark report where Markify was ranked number 1.

Our result list also contain much less “noise” than other full availability reports. Instead of going through a list of say 2.000 results, you get a list of 300 results. This ofcourse saves you lots of time.

How is it possible for us to give you all the relevant results but skip the bad ones?

The Markify trademark search s is a built on a statistical method using more than 10.000 actual cases where a likelihood of confusion has been established by a governement official, in the US or in Europe.

To our knowledge, no other trademark search algorithm is built like that.

2. Relevance ranked results

The Markify Comprehensive Search Reports are relevance ranked (so is in fact the free trademark search also). This means that you in most cases will find your potential conflicts on the first pages. Talk about time saving.

The relevance ranking is also built on the statistical case law data.

3. Custom branding

You can easily customize the report and put your own branding on it if you choose. Once you have bought the data, you can customize and download as many variants of the report as you like.

4. Unmatched price: $100

We believe every brand deserves a safe start.

Most entrepreneurs and start-ups work on a very tight budget. Until now most of them have skipped a full availability search, because a price of $300-$600 has not seem attractive.

We aim to change that. We start by putting a rock-bottom low price on our two Comprehensivie Search Report packages: only $100 for the US Comprehensive or the EU Comprehensive.

Read about the other new services launched by Markify in May:

Trademark attorneys can now afford to give all clients a global watch & monitoring service

Global domain and trademark watch included in new Brand Protect Kit

Markify launches powerful trademark and domain services at INTA 2012

La nueva herramienta para los profesionales de marcas