Get Your Free Trial of the World's Most Accurate Trademark Search Technology at INTA in Orlando

Why is accuracy in trademark search so important?

Trademark practitioners of course know the answer but often have a hard time explaining it to their clients or to their organizations.  

"Because without that accuracy you do not know, if it is safe to launch the new brand. And a future conflict is not something you want to risk." 

Even if that should be rather easy to understand for trademark owners, there are a lot of premium trademarks launched without accurate clearance work done. It is our objective to change that with four unique Markify properties:

1. Find All Potential Conflicts

The Markify technology is the world's only statistically proven trademark search algorithm. Built on more than 12.000 actual cases where a government official in the US or the EU have concluded that two mark names are confusingly similar.

So we know we find the potential conflicts (+99%). We are not guessing. See the independent research study.  

2. Less Noise 

Our statistical method also let's us reduce the "noise" in reports and rank all results according to their statistical risk. 

3. Fast and Easy Work-Flow

This full availability search just takes one minute. And the available tools to get the clearance work done are both powerful and easy. 

4. Best Price and Free Trial

Taking a risk with a less accurate trademark search report is something very few companies can afford. We at Markify believe you should be able to combine top quality in a comprehensive report with a low price, so you never have to take that risk.

Visit the Markify exhibition booth (#1316) in Orlando for a demo and get your free trial.

If you are not there, send me an email at

Full Common Law Coverage Now Included in the US Full Trademark Search Report from Markify

For the first time you can now get an automated, full common law search included in your US trademark clearance report. And still not pay more than $129 for the whole report. 

On demand from our US clients we have expanded our common law coverage with some of today's most important content. The US Full search report's common law part now includes six different sections:  

  • Web search - New
  • Image search - New
  • Social media search - New
  • Social name search - New
  • US company names
  • Domain names 

It is hard to imagine a relevant result that could not be found within these groups today. Ten years ago there were still a number of printed sources, like telephone books and magazines, with "trademark" names that did not show up anywhere else. But that is not the case anymore. 

So we think this makes the common law section for the US Full truly full/comprehensive. 

The trademark results section was already full, with both federal and state trademarks, all processed with the best similarity algorithm in the world

Same low price

And we decided to add these new sources without changing the price - $129 - which is by far the best price in the industry for a comparable comprehensive - full availability - US trademark clearance report. Other providers are charging more than $600 for such a report.   

In order to keep the search fast and not drive extra costs, our search is fully automated, with the below described settings for the US Full trademark search report: 

- - -

Web search - New

Scope of search: An automated, "intelligent" web search where known biases as region and personal search history have been eliminated. The search combines the trademark name with important keywords provided during the order. 

The top 30 results are included as links and short descriptions. Optional: You can add screen captures of the relevant pages where also the keywords have been highlighted.  

Note: The web/social media is so big that even the best keyword search may retrieve a million search results. This means that no search report, automated or human, can guarantee that there are no potential common law conflicts out there. All we can do is minimize the risk.    

Images - New
Scope of search: The same search settings as the Web search. The top 30 results are included.

Social media search - New 
Scope of search: A search of the use of the trademark name in the world's largest social networks: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and Pinterest. The top 20 results from each social network are included. 

Social names - New 
Scope of search: A search if the trademark name is registered as a user name in any of 80 social networks.

US company names 
Scope of search: A search among more than 20 million secretary of state business records from all US states and Washington DC. Identical and very similar results.

Domain names 
Scope of search: Identical and very similar results from more than 1000 TLD's, covering both gTLD', ccTLD's and New gTLD's. See full list.

Federal trademarks (USPTO) 

Scope of search: The world's best similarity algorithm, finding more than 99% of potential conflicts. Official data updated daily from the USPTO .

US state trademarks 

Scope of search: A search among all the 50 US states' trademark records. (Same similarity algorithm as the federal search.)  

- - -

The average turn-around time: 5 min. And you can choose to include or exclude any of the above sections in your report. 

If you have not yet tried our full availability report, send me an email and I will set you up for a free trial. 

If this is not the best US full availability report, please tell me what is missing or what should be changed? The best suggestions will be rewarded. 

Domain Name Watch Now Including
New gTLDs: $29/Year

Markify is now adding domain names from all the new gTLDs, as they are being released, to our global  Domain Name Watch service. And the price remains the lowest in the industry: $29/year per watched brand.

If you are in the process of evaluating different domain name watch services (sometimes called Brand Monitor, Brand Alert or Domain Monitor), you should know that there two things that set Markify apart:

1. Similar results

We will not only give you identical matches of the brand, but also phonetically identical and phonetically similar results. To our knowledge, no one else does this.

So if you are Pepsi Co and want to be alerted when confusingly similar domain names are being registered, you will get reports with results like this from us:

  • PEPSI. de

2. Best price

We believe all brands should be able to afford  a domain name watch. And the cost for monitoring your brands at Markify is only $29/year per watched brand.

For this price we will watch your brand in the old (.com, .net, .org etc) and new gTLDs and in more than 200 ccTLDs (.de, .fr, .se, .jp etc).

This low price also means that you can easily monitor hundreds of brands. A lot of trademark attorneys put in their whole portfolio of trademarks into the Markify domain name watch system. Then they offer their clients to monitor the reports for a fee (maybe $200/year). And when there is an infringing domain name, they alert the client and may get new work. A win-win situation.

If you have found a better or cheaper domain name monitor service, please send me an email at benoit at Thanks!

A nova ferramenta para profissionais de marcas registadas