We believe every new brand should get a really comprehensive
search report before filing a trademark application and launching the brand.
And you should not have to pay more than $129 for a high quality,
full trademark report and not the +$600 you are used to.
Come è possibile?
We are a small technology driven team who have smart algorithms doing the heavy work.
This makes our reports
faster, cheaper and also more reliable since there is no risk for human error.
Below you will find more detailed information about the Markify advantage. If you need even more information, just send us an email e cercheremo di rispondervi.
Accuracy of the Comprehensive trademark algorithm
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The Comprehensive search algorithm is trained with a proprietary
statistical method, using more than 1 million official cases where two marks have been
found confusingly similar by a government official.
This means that the Comprehensive search and monitoring reports covers
all the usual search strategies, such as:
- identico
- somiglianza fonetica
- somiglianza ortografica ed errori ortografici
- variazioni di prefisso, infisso e suffisso
- somiglianza tra vocali e consonanti
- plurali e desinenze
- abbreviazioni e acronimi
- altre somiglianze
The "signal-to-noise ratio" - the scientific name for measuring accuracy - is tested as the best in the trademark search industry (see independent
Report di benchmark).
The Comprehensive search algorithm finds more than 99% of potential conflicts, and it does
it with a total number of results that on average is 50% lower than any comparable full
report done by any other provider.
The Comprehensive search algorithm is used for both our USPTO and state records
- Classifica di rilevanza statistica dei risultati
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All results in Comprehensive reports are per default relevance ranked (you can use any sorting
like alphabetical or other). The method is based on a statistical analysis of the above
1 million
official cases.
This statistical method answers the question: How often does this kind of similar result lead to
perceived "conflict"? The higher the statistical risk, the higher you will find that result in
State records included
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A lot of businesses still choose to only register their trademark in their state. A truly full
must include the relevant state records, and the Markify US Full does.
Copertura completa del common law
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The report comes with a complete Common law coverage, including:
- Ragioni sociali –
A search among more than 20 million secretary of state business records will give you both
identical and similar results.
Nomi di dominio - Identical and very similar results from all (+1000)
TLDs gives you a unique view of the domain name landscape surrounding your new mark.
Web search – Our web search is an automated search combining the trademark
name with your most important keywords. The search eliminates all usual search biases.
You will be able to include any or all of the top 30 results, and all relevant keywords
will be highlighted.
Ricerca sui social - Our social media search will explore the use
of your trademark name in world's largest social networks: Facebook, Linkedin,
Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.
Nomi social - We check if the trademark name is registered as a user name in 100
Vedi campioni
Cinque classi incluse - più risultati identici emarchi spirati Torna all'inizio
We always let you include up to five classes but you can for a small
fee (+2,5%) add as many classes as you want.
- Plus: Identical results from all classes are also included as default.
Reported in a separate tab.
- Inoltre: Sono inclusi anche i marchi spirati come impostazione predefinita. Riportati in una scheda separata.
Date of file freshness shown
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At the end of every report we display how fresh the data is for every source.
- Filtro per parole chiave per prodotti e servizi
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Once you have received the search report online you can sort through the result list with our
keyword filters for specific goods and services. And then easily create a new, more limited
- Instant delivery in multiple formats
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The report is produced instantly (may take a couple of minutes for large reports) and it is
- to your email in PDF in you latest used template for branding (first time non-branded).
- online - where you can work with it, customize it and create and download the report
in various formats (PDF, Word, RTF, HTML, Excel). See samples
- Aggiungere il proprio marchio
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You only need to upload your logotype and enter your details once to get every report in your
own branding.
It is easy to switch between your branding and a non-branded report.
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at INTA since 2010.